Meet the Firms Fall 2024

You're invited to recruit ON CAMPUS!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 | 12:00PM – 3:00PM

Connect with Eberhardt business students and alumni seeking internships and entry-level career opportunities across functions and industries.

Engage talent from the following programs/majors: 

  • BS Accounting & Master of Accounting (CPA-eligible)
  • BS, Business Administration - Majors: business analytics, finance, management & human resources, marketing management, and sport management & analytics
  • MS Business Analytics
  • MS Finance

Registration Deadline is September 6, 2024

STANDARD Registration - $250

A 3-hour in-person career fair with business students/grads.

  • One (1) 8-foot table space to accommodate up to four (4) representatives per employer
  • Boxed lunches provided during pre-event set up for up to 4 employer reps
  • One (1) pre-event digital ad in CMC's Career News email (weekly distribution 500+) – must register by August 29, 2024, to guarantee ad space!
  • Final deadline to register for fair participation is Friday, September 6, 2024.

DIRECTOR Sponsor Premium Employer Advertising Package - $500

All the above benefits, PLUS:

  • One pre-fair exclusive direct email message sent on the employer’s behalf to ALL business students (500+) – must register by August 28, 2024, to guarantee pre-fair exclusive direct email! 
  • Company logo + career website click-thru featured in every CMC Career News email (500+ potential impressions weekly)
  • Company logo on a limited-edition student giveaway t-shirt – must register by August 13, to guarantee logo placement on giveaway
  • Company logo to be featured on event ad running on the TV monitors in the Eberhardt School of Business.
  • Company logo to be featured on poster displayed in the CMC conference room.

Ten (10) sponsorships at this level are available.




Questions? Please contact:

Deborah Crane, M.A.
Career Development & Employer Specialist
Eberhardt School of Business

c:  209-365-3575