Course Structure


Each course is structured into two parts: Asynchronous (prep work) and Synchronous (online live session). You must complete your asynchronous prep work AND participate in the synchronous session in order to get your credit for the course. The asynchronous prep work will take between three to four hours for each course. Some courses will require you to submit an assignment by the given due date. The synchronous session will be offered live online using Zoom for three hours for each course.


Participants must attend all seven courses to receive a Transit and Paratransit Management Certificate. Missed courses can be rescheduled one time at no additional charge.

online class

Fall 2024 Schedule

Aug 14, 2024Orientation (from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. PT)Peter Johnson
Aug 21, 2024Enhancing Leadership EffectivenessChris Sablynski
Sept 4, 2024Strategic ThinkingMark Schaff
Sept 18, 2024Budgeting and Financial ManagementGloria Salazar
Oct 2, 2024Effective Communication SkillsPeter Johnson
Oct 16, 2024Overview of Transit Legislation, Regulation, and PolicyDonna DeMartino
Oct 30, 2024Marketing Through Customer ServiceKristen Joyner
Nov 13, 2024Legal Issues in Employee RelationsTom Brierton

Sept 19, 2024Orientation (8:30 am - 9:30 am PST) 
Sept 26, 2024Enhancing Leadership EffectivenessChris Sablynski
Oct 10, 2024Budgeting and Financial ManagementGloria Salazar
Oct 24, 2024Marketing Through Customer ServiceKristen Joyner
Nov 7, 2024Overview of Transit Legislation, Regulation, and PolicyDonna DeMartino
Nov 21, 2024Effective Communication SkillsPeter Johnson
Dec 5, 2024Strategic ThinkingMark Schaff
Dec 12, 2024Legal Issues in Employee RelationsTom Brierton

Sept 6, 2024Legal Issues in Employee RelationsTom Brierton
Sept 20, 2024Strategic ThinkingMark Schaff
Oct 4, 2024Budgeting and Financial ManagementGloria Salazar
Oct 18, 2024Marketing Through Customer ServiceKristen Joyner
Nov 1, 2024Overview of Transit Legislation, Regulation, and PolicyDonna DeMartino
Nov 15, 2024Effective Communication SkillsPeter Johnson
Dec 6, 2024Enhancing Leadership EffectivenessChris Sablynski

Program Outline

Overview of Transit Legislation, Regulation, and Policy

Instructor: Donna DeMartino
  • Federal and State Legislation and Regulations 
  • Policies and Procedures — Formation and Influences 
  • Interpreting and Complying with the ADA 
  • Identifying and Locating Important Information Resources for Continued Education 

Effective Communication Skills

Instructor: Peter Johnson
  • Organizational Communication Strategies 
  • Understanding Barriers to Communication 
  • Methods to Open Communication 
  • Identifying Your Communication & Listening Styles 

Budgeting and Financial Management

Instructor: Gloria Salazar
  • Budgeting and Cost Allocation Controls 
  • Budget Development as a Key Management Tool 
  • Transit Funding Resources & Required Reporting 
  • Grants Management 
  • Standards and Required Financial and Performance Reporting for Transit Entities 

Strategic Thinking

Instructor: Mark Schaff
  • What is Strategic Thinking? 
  • Assessing Situations 
  • Recognizing Connections 
  • Making Decisions 

Legal Issues in Employee Relations

Instructor: Thomas Brierton
  • Federal and State Employment Law 
  • Hiring and Firing – The Legal Basics 
  • Employment Discrimination, Harassment & Retaliation
  • Americans with Disabilities Act 

Marketing Through Customer Service

Instructor: Kristen Joyner
  • Marketing for the Generations
  • Service Quality and Dimensions
  • Figuring Out the Gaps in Service Provision 
  • Understanding Customer Expectations 

Enhancing Leadership Effectiveness

Instructor: Chris Sablynski
  • Leadership vs. Management
  • Purpose, Vision, Values, and Goals
  • Creating Trust
  • Effective Communication and Building Teams
Transit and Paratransit Programs
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