Abel Fernandez
Abel Fernandez is Professor and Director of the Engineering Management Program at the University of the Pacific, Stockton, California. He holds the PhD degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Central Florida, ME and BS degrees in Electric Power Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) and an MBA also from RPI.
Dr. Fernandez has over 12 years of system engineering and project management experience with TRW, Inc. and the Harris Corporation. His final position at Harris was Director of Product Marketing, a executive level position in which he was responsible for all applications engineering and strategic planning for the Controls Division of the Harris Corporation, a Division with over U$S 60 million (then dollars) in annual sales.
He obtained his PhD degree under sponsorship of a NASA Graduate Student Research Fellowship, working at Kennedy Space Center, Florida. His general field of interest is the analysis of project management problems. Of particular interest is project risk analysis, stochastic project scheduling, modeling of decision analysis problems in project management contexts, and allied problems within project management. These are areas in which Dr. Fernandez has published 2 book chapters, 15 journal articles, numerous technical reports and 27 refereed conference articles. Dr. Fernandez is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Texas.
PhD, Industrial Engineering, University of Central Florida, 1995
MBA, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1976
ME, Electric Power Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1976
BS, Electric Power Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1974
Project management
Systems engineering
Engineering economy
General engineering
Project management
Engineering education
Risk and decision making
Kauffmann, Paul J., Kim, Kwang-Jae, and Fernandez, Abel A., "Use of a Logit Choice Model for Evaluating Advanced Technology Feasibility." Economic Evaluation of Advanced Technologies: Techniques and Case Studies, Edited by Jerome P. Lavelle, Hapmpton R. Liggett, and Hamid R, Parsaei, New York, Taylor and Francis Publishers, 2002, pp. 69-82.
Fernandez, A., Jacobs, D., Kauffman, P., Sizemore, D., "Assessing Community Fire Risk: A Decision Analysis Based Approach", Applied Fire Science in Transition Series, Volume IV,Special Problems in Fire Protection Engineering, Edited by Paul R. De Cicco, Baywood Publishing Company, Inc.,Volume IV, 2000, pages 67-76.
Abel, K., Fernandez, A.,"ABET Accreditation of Engineering Management Programs: Established Versus New Programs - the Similarities and Differences", Engineering Management Journal, March 2005, V17, N1, pages 3-7.
Chambers, D., Fernandez, A.,"The Quality of Learning", Quality Progress, V37, N3, March 2004, pages 50-56.Wagner-Weicke, C., Kaur, S., Fernandez, A., Jain, R.,"Application of a Method for Selecting and Evaluating Environmental Technologies with Commercial Potential", International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, V2, N4, 2003.
Kauffmann, P., Jacobs, D., Fernandez, A.,"Use of Bayesian Probabilities to Identify and Improve Distribution Center Error Rates", Production and Inventory Management Journal, V43, N1/2, 2002, pages 1-5.
Kauffmann, P., Fernandez, A., Keating, C., Jacobs, D., Unal, R. "Using Quality Function Deployment to Select the Courses and Topics that Enhance Program Effectiveness", Journal of Engineering Education, V91, N2, April 2002, pp. 231-238.
Keating, C., Fernandez, A., Jacobs, D., Kauffmann, P.,"A Methodology of Analysis of Complex Sociotechnical Processes", Business Process Management Journal, V. 7, No. 1, 2001.
Jacobs, D., Fernandez, A., and Keating, C.,"Analyzing High Technology Complex Processes: A Study in a Research-Oriented Organization", Research and Technology Management Journal, V. 43, No.2, 2000, pages 8-12.
Kauffmann, P., Unal, R., Fernandez, A., Keating, C.,"A Model for Allocating Resources to Research Programs by Evaluating Technical Importance and Research Productivity",Engineering Management Journal, V 12, No. 1, 2000, pages 5-8.
Jacobs, D., Keating, C. and Fernandez, A.,"Team Based Approach for Sociotechnical Analysis of Complex Processes", Engineering Management Journal, V 12, No. 1, 2000, pages 15-22.
Fernandez, A., Saviz, C., Burmeister, J.,"Homework as an Outcome Assessment: Relationships Between Homework and Test Performance", 2006 ASEE National Conference, June 2006.
Burmeister, J., Fernandez, A., Ausban, K."Dynamic statics: lights, camera, action",Proceedings of the ASEE Spring 2005 Conference, April 2005, PS.05-10.
Burmeister, J. and Fernandez, A."Dynamic statics: preliminary cooperative learning findings",Proceedings of the ASEE Spring 2004 Conference, April 2004.
Martin, J. and Fernandez, A.,"Knowledge Management Assessment Strategy: How Does One Measure Success?", Proceedings of the 24th National Conference of the American Societyfor Engineering Management, October 2003.
Martin, James (A. Fernandez, Faculty Advisor),"Implementing a Corporate Knowledge Management Vision at a Plant Level: Will Management Adopt the Concept?", Proceedings of the 17th National Conference on Undergraduate Research, March 2003.
Weick, C.W., Kaur, S., Fernandez, A.,"Application of a Method for Selecting and Evaluating Environmental Technologies with Commercial Applications", Proceedings of NTTC Conference, July 2002.
Kauffmann, Paul, Fernandez, Abel, Keating, Charles, Jacobs, Derya, Unal, Resit,"Selection of Curricular Topics Using Extensions of Quality Function Deployment", Proceedings of the 2000 American Society for Engineering Education Conference, June 2000.
Kauffmann, Paul, Fernandez, Abel, Keating, Charles, "Using Conditional Probability to Develop a Distribution Center SPC Plan", Proceedings of the 2000 Industrial Engineering Research Conference, May 2000.