Cherian Mathews

Cherian Mathews

Anderson 221
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Dr. Mathews got his first taste of teaching as a Teaching Assistant at Purdue University, where he was responsible for all aspects of several lab courses. He enjoyed teaching so much that he decided to work at universities that prioritized undergraduate education.  He was a visiting professor for a year at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, one of the top ranked undergraduate engineering institutions.  His first tenure-track position was at the University of Florida / University of West Florida Joint Program in Electrical Engineering, where he was one of the first faculty members hired to develop a new program. During a year-long sabbatical, he taught at Purdue University, the institution that kickstarted his career as an educator.  He moved to University of the Pacific as an Associate Professor in 2005, has been a Full Professor since 2008, and served as Chair of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department from 2008-2012.  

During his time at Pacific, he has enjoyed developing new courses in Signal Processing, Power Electronics (lab development funded by a Department of Energy grant in collaboration with Univ. of Minnesota,) Control Systems, and Power Systems.  It is rewarding to him that many of his former students who work in these fields stay in touch and come back to provide current students with alumni insights, facilitate field trips, and provide opportunities for co-operative education (our students are required to work in industry for 7 months.)  

Outside of work, Dr. Mathews has served as an elementary and middle school coach for Math Olympiad, Science Olympiad, and Mathcounts, and even took a team to the State level Mathcounts competition.  He also serves on the Engineering Advisory Committee at San Joaquin Delta College. He enjoys spending time and traveling with his family, bicycling on the local levees, and reading an old classic when he finds the time.


Ph.D, Electrical Engineering, Purdue University, 1993

M.S., Electrical Engineering, Purdue University, 1989

B.E., Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anna University, Chennai, India, 1987

Registered Professional Engineer (Electrical and Computer), Florida

Teaching Interests
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Power Electronics
  • Control Systems
  • Power Systems
Research Focus
  • Array Signal Processing
  • Engineering Education


Cherian Mathews, “Use of Simscape in an Introductory Power Electronics Course,”  American Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference, June 25-28, 2023, Baltimore, MD.

Cherian Mathews, “Structures and Adaptations to Foster Student Success in the COVID-19 Pandemic Learning Environment,” Proceedings of the SEFI 2021 49thAnnual Conference, pp.1035-1042, Sep 13-16, 2021, Berlin.

Cherian Mathews, “Curricular Impact of a Department of Energy Grant to Revitalize Electric Power Engineering Education,” American Society for Engineering Education Pacific South West Conference, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA, April 21-23, 2016.

C. Mathews and B. Mitsui, “Closed-Loop Digital PWM Control using a Popular Power Electronics Platform,” 9th IFAC Symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems CPES 2015 — New Delhi, India, 9—11 December 2015, Volume 48, Issue 30, 2015, pp. 351–356.

Michael D. Zoltowski, Martin Haardt, and Cherian P. Mathews, "Closed-Form 2D Angle Estimation with Rectangular Arrays in Element Space or Beamspace via Unitary Esprit," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 44, pp. 316-328, February 1996

Cherian P. Mathews and Michael D. Zoltowski, "Eigenstructure Techniques for 2D Angle Estimation with Uniform Circular Arrays," IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 42 pp. 2395-2407, September 1994.

Martin Haardt, Michael D. Zoltowski, Cherian P. Mathews, and Javier Ramos “ESPRIT and Closed-Form 2-D Angle Estimation with Planar Arrays,” Chapter 4 in The Digital Signal Processing Handbook, 2nd edition, Wireless, Networking, Radar, Sensor Array Processing, and Nonlinear Signal Processing, V.K. Madisetti Ed., CRC press 2010.

Cherian P. Mathews and Michael D. Zoltowski, "Closed-Form 2D Angle Estimation with Circular Arrays/Apertures via Phase Mode Excitation and ESPRIT," Chapter 5 in Advances in Spectrum Analysis and Array  Processing, Vol. III, Simon Haykin (Ed.), Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1995.