Update on Infection Control and the California Dental Practice Act: Is it Legal? Is it Right?
Update on Infection Control and the California Dental Practice Act: Is it Legal? Is it Right?
09:00 a.m. - 01:00 p.m.
Update on Dental Infection Control
John A. Molinari, PhD
Healthcare professionals are routinely at an increased risk of cross infection when treating patients. In response, the application of evidence-based infection prevention strategies provides effective protection during the delivery of oral health care. This lecture will focus on a practical discussion of the most recent dental infection control recommendations, using occupational bloodborne, airborne and waterborne pathogens as the framework for the presentation. Application of standard and transmission-based precautions, PPE and air quality requirements to minimize cross infection from infectious airborne microorganisms will also be considered in light of updated CDC, OSHA, NIOSH and EPA publications.
You Will Learn
- To describe the application of standard precautions as the foundation of infection prevention
- To interpret the most recent infection control recommendations and regulations
- To employ recommended transmission-based precautions associated with controlling aerosols and airborne pathogens
- To understand how to effectively monitor instrument reprocessing procedures
- To implement practical strategies that can minimize DUWL contamination
California Dental Practice Act: Is it Legal? Is it Right?
Nancy Dewhirst, RDH, BS
This lecture will review and update the required California Dental Practice Act topics and regulations, including scope of practice, drug prescribing, licensure and qualifications, supervision of auxiliaries, professional conduct, mandated reporting and consent. Codes and principles of ethics will be reviewed. Examples of law violations, unprofessional conduct and difficult legal challenges will be discussed.
You Will Learn
- To understand the scope of regulations addressed in the Dental Practice Act (DPA)
- To interpret the code of ethics and how it relates to professional standards and rules
- To discuss DPA regulations and how they define dental practice limits
- To recognize how the Dental Board of California enforces the DPA
Who Should Attend
The Dental Board of California requires that all dentists, registered dental hygienists and registered dental assistants take two units each of dental law and infection control every two years.
Tuition: $145 (complimentary for dues-paying members of the Alumni Association)
Program: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm (Pacific time)
Format: Live, interactive webinar via Zoom
Credits: This activity is designated for 4 units of continuing education credit.
John A. Molinari, PhD, is a professor emeritus at University of Detroit Mercy School of Dentistry, where he served for 32 years as chairman of the Department of Biomedical Sciences and director of infection control. He later served as director of infection control for Dental Advisor, where his laboratory was involved in research on new, emerging infection control technologies and products. He has published more than 550 publications, served as a consultant for the CDC, ADA and regional hospitals and continues to lecture on topics dealing with infectious diseases and infection control.
Nancy Dewhirst, RDH, BS, graduated from University of Southern California, practiced dental hygiene for 20 years and is currently an adjunct dental hygiene faculty member at West Coast University. She presents more than 100 lectures a year, including at U.S. and Canadian dental meetings, and is recognized yearly as a leader in CE. Ms. Dewhirst is also a member of the CDA Speakers Bureau and the ANSI/ADA Standards program, and serves as editor-in-chief of OSAP’s Infection Control in Practice.