
Seventh annual Pharmathon competition showcases food as medicine

Pacific’s chapter of the Industry Pharmacists Organization (IPhO) recently hosted the seventh annual Pharmathon on May 31 through June 2. Pharmathon is an intensive 48-hour competition where doctor of pharmacy students research and deliver comprehensive presentations to a panel of industry judges on a health-related problem and solution.

This year’s theme, Food as Medicine, challenged students to identify a food with the “greatest clinically meaningful therapeutic value.” Seven teams worked tirelessly to answer this question, substantiating their selections with rigorous research. The teams explored diverse topics, ranging from the health benefits of whey protein for weight loss to the positive effects of olive oil on cardiovascular health.

This year’s judging panel featured Rajkumar J. Sevak, PhD, RPh, assistant professor of pharmacy practice, and Eunice Green, DNH, owner of Green’s Nutrition health food store in Stockton.

Ultimately, the winners were Hard to Beet, with team members Joanne Lee ’25, Antonina Perekopskiy ’26 and Alyssa Lee ’26 putting on an impressive performance. Their presentation on the health benefits of beet juice in lowering blood pressure also included data where they measured their own blood pressures before and after consuming beet juice. The team received travel support to attend the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting in New Orleans in December.

Second place was secured by Team Barberry, comprised of Harman Thind ’26, Kalvin Gong ’26 and Khalid Eisa ’26. They investigated the benefits of berberine, a compound found in barberry plants, and its effects on lowering blood sugar, A1C and cholesterol levels.

“We have yet to fully understand the true power of using ‘food as medicine,’” said Pharmathon founder Sachin A. Shah, PharmD, FACC, FAHA, professor of pharmacy practice and regional coordinator for the Travis region. “I am reminded of a wise person saying, ‘We better eat our food as medicine, or we will end up eating our medicine as food.’”

Pharmathon provides students with an invaluable experience, equipping them with essential skills, such as working under pressure, effective time management and teamwork, all of which are critical for their future careers.

PharmD students and guest judges at the seventh annual Pharmathon