Wellness news: Simple tips for a less stressful life
Everyone gets overwhelmed sometimes. But too much stress can be hard on your health — so it's important to find ways to offset those negative effects. These healthy habits can help you stay cool under pressure, even when you're pressed for time.
Sweat more, stress less: Symptoms of stress can create a vicious cycle between your mind and body. Exercise helps to break this cycle by relieving tension and releasing feel-good brain chemicals that fight the effects of stress.
Take a break to breathe: When stress strikes, try a few minutes of deep breathing. Breathe in for a count of 5, hold for 5, and exhale for 5. Repeat 10 times or until you start feeling calmer, grounded and focused.
Unplug to recharge: Your phone needs time to recharge, and so does your brain. Disconnecting from digital noise for a little while each day can help you stress less, sleep better, and spend time doing more rewarding activities.
Looking for more stress-fighting strategies? Click here.