
Biomedical Sciences (BMS)
Co-Chairs: Dr. David Ojcius, Dr. Homayon Asadi
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Clinical Oral Health Care (COH)
Chair: Dr. Shika Gupta
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Diagnostic Sciences (DS)
Chair: Dr. Paul Subar
Vice-Chair: Dr. Terry Hoover
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Pediatric Dentistry (PD)
Chair: Dr. Rinku Saini
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Periodontics (PR)
Chair: Dr. William Lundergan
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Preventive and Restorative Dentistry (PRD)
Chair: Dr. Rebecca Moazzez
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David Ojcius
Homayon Asadi
Shika Gupta
Paul Subar
Terry Hoover
Adham Abdel Azim
David Lam
Heesoo Oh
Bill Lundergan
Rebecca Moazzez
Rinku Saini
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