Our 24-unit LLM program has three required courses, (1) a substantive course: Transnational Litigation or International Business Transactions; (2) LLM Legal Writing, Research, and Analysis; and (3) Legal English for those trained in law outside of the United States, which is tailored to introduce students to common law courts, sources, legal reasoning, techniques of legal research and writing. The remaining course units can be customized to meet your individual career goals.
You have the option to complete an externship for credit with an international law firm, or to engage in advanced scholarship by pursuing a Master's Thesis or Directed Research Project.
You may tailor the rest of your academic studies by choosing from a variety of elective courses in substantive areas of U.S. Domestic Business Law and International Law. The director of the Graduate Programs will personally meet with you to go over your academic study plan.
Candidates may also be permitted to enroll in other elective courses relevant to transnational business practice not listed above. Note: Not all electives listed above are offered in every academic year.
Elective Courses
Course |
Units |
Business Associations |
4 |
Business Transactions: The Art of the Deal |
2 |
Commercial Law |
3 |
Conflict of Laws |
3 |
Contracts |
4 |
Copyright Law |
2 |
Corrupt Foreign Practices |
1 |
Directed Research, Graduate Level |
1 or 2 |
Employment Law |
3 |
European Union Law |
1 or 3 |
Federal Income Taxation |
3 |
Federal Securities Regulation |
3 |
Foreign Investment and Development |
3 |
Immigration Law and Policy |
3 |
International and Foreign Legal Research |
2 |
International Banking |
2 |
International Business Transactions |
3 |
International Arbitration |
3 |
International Economic Law |
3 |
International Negotiations |
2 |
International Trade — Public Aspects |
3 |
Masters Thesis |
3 to 6 |
Mediation |
3 |
Negotiation and Settlements Seminar |
2 or 3 |
Patent Law |
3 |
Public International Law |
3 |
Sales of Goods |
3 |
Survey of Intellectual Property Law |
3 |
Taxation of Corporations and Shareholders |
3 |
Taxation of Partnerships and S Corporations |
3 |
Trademark Law |
2 |
U.S. & International Sale of Goods |
2 |
U.S. Antitrust & International Competition Law |
2 |
U.S. Taxation of International Transactions |
3 |